I was invited to a 50iest birthday party of a couple from Germany at Coccaro Beach, Puglia. The hosts have been visiting Puglia for years, they wanted to show guests and friends around, give them the opportunity to celebrate in a place that they personally like best. A beautiful party, nice people, and something interesting, especially when you know parties in the south: People never stopped dancing. They started early, during the aperitivo, and didn't even let go to have a proper dinner. The buffet was all set, but people passed by to nibble more than anything else, then went back on the dancefloor. A funny example for all the italians who appreciate the large buffet dinners a lot... The DJ had flown in from Duesseldorf, he is used to big parties and wasn't scared off by this middle aged crowd of dancing appassionates. Naturally, and this is because we are in Puglia and not some place else, there weren't leftovers - germand and italian guests seemed to like a lot what they were offered between raw fish, vegetable dishes, cheese variations and other delicacies. Still the dancing remained the most important thing.